Disruptive Green Tech

Green Hydrogen is key when it comes to decarbonising heavy industries on a large scale

Kuartum is among the world’s leading "renewable energy" solutions provider that is revolutionising and redefining the way sustainable energy sources are harnessed across the world.

Leading the Change in Renewable Energy

We’re the #1 Green Energy Recovery system
that can help any organisations to reduce the production cost
of green energy during the hydrogen production process.

Kuartum uses the buoyancy force of biphasic fluids called "HydroGinetic Energy"  as the main resource in the design of the Kuartum technology - HG Technology -  patented by their parent Swiss company, WS SLOT SA as a result of years of study and research.

With a relentless focus on innovation and sustainability, Kuartum is leading the change in renewable energy transformation. Our breakthrough technology captures the untapped energy of electrolysis bubbles, turning them into a valuable source of green electricity.


All types of electrolysers can
be connected to our device, before the separator


Sizing of infrastructure can
be designed from 1MW
project onwards without any limitation


No more dependency to any
renewable energy (Sun, Wind) or International context

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore this section to learn more about us, our products, solutions, and the impact we're making in the renewable energy industry. Whether you're a manufacturer, developer, or innovator, we invite you to join us on the journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Is it wise to buy Solar Panels Vs Kuartum Technology?

We believe that all technologies have their place in society. Each one is strong in a type of use or situation. In our case, our strengths against solar energy are mainly two: The area of soil needed (100 times less) and the availability of operating time (8760 hours per year compared to 1500 hours of solar energy equivalent)

What performance can we expect from this technology?

At the moment the energy efficiency is already very high, surpassing by far any other technology that improves the energy efficiency of electrolysis, however, KUARTUM is the result of the technological concern and ambition to exceed every day, so we expect considerable improvements in yields from our Swiss partner WS SLOT SA, who is responsible for the development of XO Technology.

Who is installing the XO Technology?

KUARTUM is a company that markets green energy, either in the form of electricity or hydrogen, so it is directly Kuartum who is responsible for the installation, maintenance, etc. To achieve this service with the highest possible quality, Agreement is being concluded for the approval of technology companies involved in this task of installation and maintenance anywhere in the world.

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Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do you best work.

Olivia Rhye
Senior Engineer
Phoenix Baker
Head Engineer
Lana Steiner
Senior Planner
Demi Wilkinson
Project Manager