Frequently Asked Questions

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What types of electrolyzer work with your technology ?

Our technology is compatible with all types of electrolyzers. We only need the gas outlets at sufficient pressure so that you can operate our device. The minimum pressure we need is 1.5 bar relative, and the more pressure we have in the gases the more energy we can produce.

Are we in or next to the electrolyser? Before the separator?

The optimal location is as close as possible to the electrolyser, as we need to be connected at the STACK output and the condensate separator in the case of the hydrogen. In connection with oxygen installation of the separator is not necessary.

Do you produce green hydrogen and green electricity?

In the first stage of our HG technology  produces 100% CO2-free electrical energy, but this electrical production is highly efficient in the production of green hydrogen, so we can say that in the second stage we can also produce green hydrogen, where the customer does not have an electrolyser.

What level of TRL are you?

At the moment we are in TRL9, just about to start during 2024 the industrialization and marketing phase.

Size of projects you can undertake?

Our architecture is modular, so we could undertake any project that produces enough gas (hydrogen, oxygen, Natural Gas, ...) however large. So far we are not considering to carry out projects of less than 1MW of electrical power, mainly because almost all the hydrogen production projects that are proposed are of powers much higher than that.

Who is installing the HG Technology By Kuartum?

KUARTUM is a company that markets green energy, either in the form of electricity or hydrogen, so it is directly Kuartum who is responsible for the installation, maintenance, etc. To achieve this service with the highest possible quality, Agreement is being concluded for the approval of technology companies involved in this task of installation and maintenance anywhere in the world.

Do you have customers? Where can we see your technology?

We are currently finalising our first agreement with a gas company in Europe. We ll be in a position to have our first factory fully operational and we ll be able to organize on site-visits.

Is it wise to buy Solar Panels Vs HG Technology by Kuartum?

We believe that all technologies have their place in society. Each one is strong in a type of use or situation. In our case, our strengths against solar energy are mainly two: The area of soil needed (100 times less) and the availability of operating time (8760 hours per year compared to 1500 equivalents hours of solar energy)

What performance can we expect from this technology?

At the moment the energy efficiency is already very high, surpassing by far any other technology that improves the energy efficiency of electrolysis, however, KUARTUM is the result of the technological concern and ambition to exceed every day, so we expect considerable improvements in yields from our Swiss partner WS SLOT SA, who is responsible for the development of HG Technology.

Who is installing the HG Technology?

KUARTUM is a company that markets green energy, either in the form of electricity or hydrogen, so it is directly Kuartum who is responsible for the installation, maintenance, etc. To achieve this service with the highest possible quality, Agreement is being concluded for the approval of technology companies involved in this task of installation and maintenance anywhere in the world.

Size of projects can you undertake?

Our architecture is modular, so we could undertake any project that produces enough gas (hydrogen, oxygen, Natural Gas, ...) however large.
So far we considering to carry out projects from 1MW of electrical power onwards, mainly because most of all the hydrogen production projects today starts from 1MW.

Do you already have customers? Where can we see technology?

We are finalising our first partnership in Spain, with a large Natural Gas company. We will be announcing this agreement very soon.